Agility Holdings Group invests in innovative InsurTech, HealthTech, and related companies that aim to revolutionize access to insurance products, establish patient care, and improve health outcomes. We value diversity and inclusivity as strengths that make our subsidiaries successful.

Mission. Vision. Values.

Agility Holdings Group is committed to investing in individuals and organizations that provide better access to insurance and healthcare in their communities. Our core values—diversity, determination, trust, and teamwork—guide us as we strive to turn our goals, vision, and principles into tangible outcomes.

Association Concepts, LLC was formed to serve the affinity market with tailored solutions that meet the unique insurance needs of professional organizations and communities united by shared interests.

July, 2009

In response to the broadened insurance landscape following the enactment of the ACA, Association Concepts, LLC adopted the assumed name “Agility Insurance Services” (Agility) to better represent the full spectrum of insurance services it was preparing to offer.

April, 2011

Agility established itself as a leading General Agent (GA) in Texas by supporting broker-driven enrollment into the newly created Health Insurance Exchanges through healthcare.gov.

October, 2013

Agility’s name was legally changed from Association Concepts, LLC to Agility Insurance Services, LLC.

August, 2021

Healthedly Insurance Services, LLC (Healthedly) was launched to meet consumer health insurance enrollment demand.

September, 2021

Patient Care Health, LLC was formed as a service organization designed to increase access to patient care, optimize provider performance, and improve outcomes within diverse Medicare and ACA populations.

May, 2023

Member Care Insurance and Administrative Services, LLC was launched and quickly established partnerships with some of the largest insurance carriers in the United States for member enrollment and support services.

October, 2023

Agility People and Payroll, LLC was established to provide administrative, financial, and human resources to support AHG and its subsidiaries’ rapid growth.

November, 2023

Luminos Creative, LLC was formed as an integrated marketing and printing firm to serve insurance companies and healthcare providers with specialized marketing and printing solutions tailored to their unique needs.

December, 2023

834 Labs, LLC was founded with a focus on developing InsurTech, HealthTech and data analytics solutions tailored for insurance companies, agencies, and healthcare providers. 

January, 2024

Sigma IP Holdings, LLC was formed to manage and protect AHG and its subsidiaries’ intellectual property assets through strategic licensing, revenue generation, and legal safeguarding of these valuable resources.

January, 2024



Agility Insurance Services is one of the country’s foremost Field Marketing Organizations (FMO), offering seamless contracting, training, marketing, and resources for health and life insurance agents and agencies.



Healthedly simplifies the process of shopping and comparing health insurance plans for everyone. From enrollment support and dedicated professional agents to quick quotes and plan comparisons, we make it easy.

Patient Care Health


Patient Care Health is a service organization designed to enhance access to care, optimize provider performance, and improve outcomes within diverse Medicare and ACA populations for healthcare providers.

Member Care

Member Care

Member Care Insurance and Administrative Services offers a top-tier solution, providing a full range of services for insurance companies and healthcare providers, including enrollment, post-enrollment, and patient engagement, to guarantee a smooth and integrated experience for every member.

Agile People & Payroll

Agile People and Payroll

Agile People and Payroll offers tailored HR and payroll solutions that cater to the specific needs of each business, optimize operations, enhance employee satisfaction, and unleash the full potential of their workforce.

Luminos Creative

Luminos Creative

Luminos Creative combines years of marketing and design experience in the insurance industry, offering compliance-ready marketing, creative strategies, and printing operations to elevate your brand.

834 Labs

834 Labs develops enrollment platforms, patient engagement tools, and provider technology to enhance operational efficiency and elevate the quality of service in insurance markets. By analyzing and interpreting complex datasets, 834 Labs extracts valuable insights, identifies trends, and simplifies the decision-making processes for insurance companies, agencies, and healthcare providers.